Monday, February 11, 2013

Increase Customer Satisfaction: Your Employees' Role

The outcome of a customer's experience is directly related to employee behavior. Employees are important assets of all companies because they are the first and most of the time only connection between a company and its' clientele. The 4 factors listed below are important to consider during customer transactions:

The Employee’s Willingness to Become Involved:
Take the time to explain to employees, the reason your company is important to the clientele. The more informed employees are about the business the more excited they will be about helping customers. Motivate them to make a good first impression with the customers and it is acceptable to use salary based incentives.
The Employee’s Ability to Be Empathetic
The employee must always recognize the needs of a customer and find the best way to meet them. Sometimes it will not be possible to satisfy the customer within the first transaction, but the employee should be prepared to accommodate the client with other options. The customer will always remember an employee going out of their way to help because it will make them feel special that someone took time to listen.
The Employee’s Training
Training is essential to a business and should be a regular procedure for new and experienced employees. A well informed employee that knows solutions to everyday problems and the details of business procedures will make the customers feel more comfortable during their transactions. Scheduled training sessions and consistent communication with your employees will help them better serve clients on a daily basis
The Employee’s Authority to Deliver a Favorable Result
The employees must be aware of the power they possess with each customer they work with.  The customer is looking to the employee for assistance and opinions, which is the reason the employees need to be positive and informed. When there is conflict the employee must stay positive and find a fair solution. The turnout of the interaction can determine whether or not the customer will do business there again. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Instant-Replays has one goal: To help other businesses increase their level of customer satisfaction. During the next few weeks Instant-Replays will be posting blogs about what you can do now to improve your interactions between sales associates and customers.

There are several easy, but significant ways to increase customer satisfaction as soon as the customer walks in to your business:

  • Shake hands
  • Greet your customers upon arrival to the business 
  • Remember to smile
  • Ask if you can be of any service to them
  • Be accommodating 
    • Ask if they would like a refreshment
  • Make eye contact
  • Pay attention to voice inflection\
  • Notice small details about your customers and compliment them
  • Always encourage them to come back 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Complement Mystery Shops with Customer Surveys

     Instant-Replays understands the value of customer satisfaction and we continuously strive to improve our customer service and help other businesses improve. Instant Impressions is our customer survey division, which is a service that allows businesses to create customized surveys for up to 500 participants. 

     Try Complementing your company's mystery shopping package with customer surveys to obtain feedback from numerous customer responses rather than a single interaction. Surveys are a marketing tool that will dramatically increase sales because you will be able to improve daily business interactions based on the perspectives of current clients. Instant-replays will work with your business to create the customized survey and ensure that we maintain our survey response rate of 35%-50%. 

Why Should You Implement Surveys?

  • According to studies by the Technical Assistance Research Programs Institute, 91% of unhappy customers will never buy from a company that has displeased them again – and will also voice their dissatisfaction to at least seven people.
  • Happy customers who get their issue resolved tell about 4-6 people about their experience. – White House Office of Consumer Affairs
  • 70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated – McKinsey
  • 55% of customers would pay extra to guarantee a better service – Defaqto research